Google Chrome adds new sidebar for faster search results

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 Google Chrome adds new sidebar for faster search results

Google has rolled out a new sidebar in Chrome that can make it faster and easier to check out search results without moving back and forth between the search page and the different web pages that the search results point to.

The search giant considers the feature a way to compare search results faster and select the best result that suits a user’s search criteria.

The tech company has also explained how to use the feature.

Users can enter their search into the address bar and click on a search result as they appear. This will open a webpage and a little Google logo will appear on the address bar.

Clicking the logo will open a side panel with the search results.

Users can expand the side panel to quickly compare search results without having to click the back button.

They can click on a result and the page will open in the main window of the current tab letting users easily compare pages and results.

Microsoft also introduced a sidebar in its Edge browser in September. However, it has more functionalities and acts like a mini browser rather than just reflecting search results.

The new sidebar in Microsoft Edge lets users access tools and features side-by-side within their browser, without opening another tab.

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